Coordinate Remote Viewing Online Class
Live Training w/ Dave Morehouse, Ph.D.
Registrations are being accepted NOW for the ZOOM Online CRV Class
2-3 OCT; and, 9-10 OCT; and, 16-17 OCT 2021
Course Cost: $750 (Special RV-Forum price)
This is a 6-day training seminar that will be held over 3-consecutive weekends. The 6th day (17 OCT) is a bonus day not typically included in the regular 5-day CRV Course scheduling or pricing.
How to Register
Go to www.davidmorehouse.com and either register online for the course and make your payment, or, call the phone number listed on the website and speak to a live person to register and pay via phone.
Special RV-Forum Priced 6-Day Class
After you register...
A welcome letter with instructions about the course will be sent to the email address you provide during registration. David Morehouse Productions does not mine and sell or trade your metadata; it is used only to communicate with you about the course you have registered for, or, to send you other information about upcoming Remote Viewing courses. And, you may opt-out of that information at any time.